Wellbeing and Nurture
In line with our vision to 'enable all our children to lead physically and mentally healthy lives', we prioritise the emotional health and wellbeing of all members of Broughton Community Schools (including staff, children and parents) and continually work to develop our supportive approach to enable all children to THRIVE.
We know that the emotional health of children is the strongest predictor of happiness in adulthood and we want all of our children to grow up to be happy, confident, independent people who can contribute positively to society.
Our schools offer a range of services to help our children and families develop positive mental health and wellbeing, as well as additional support for those experiencing mental health difficulties. We continually review and improve our provision based on feedback from wellbeing surveys carried out bi-annually with children, parents and staff.
Our Wellbeing and Nurture provision for children, parents and staff is detailed fully in our Wellbeing Statement below.
Carnegie Centre of Excellence Mental Health Gold Award for Schools
In 2020, Broughton Junior School was awarded a gold standard for its outstanding mental health and wellbeing provision. The award was established in 2017 by the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools – part of Leeds Beckett University – and social enterprise Minds Ahead.
The Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools aims to strengthen pupils’ mental health by supporting schools to make a positive change at all levels of the UK's education system, improving students’ outcomes and life chances.
Broughton Junior School is now working with the Infant School to share good practise so that they too will achieve their Gold Award status.
Wellbeing Surveys: