At Broughton Community Schools we are committed to providing the best possible education for our pupils. We believe that regular attendance at school is vital for effective learning. Children who miss days at school, or arrive late, find it difficult to keep up with class work, are more likely to underachieve, disrupt learning for other pupils and miss out on vital social bonding time with their peers.
Absence Procedures
We expect each child to hold an attendance rate of at least 95%; percentages are shared with parents/carers on a termly basis through either parents evening or their child's annual report. We do not authorise holidays and expect medical appointments to be made outside of the school day or within school holidays. All applications for absence must be made to the Executive Headteacher before arrangements are made. The application form can be found near the bottom of this page.
Acceptable reasons for absence are:
- Illness of the child
- Emergency medical appointments
- A religious event
Applications for absence on compassionate grounds are considered by the Executive Headteacher in consultation with the Governors of the school.
We recommend that if your child appears mildly unwell before school that they are still sent into school. Staff will always monitor and send them home should they not improve. If your child is unwell please have a look at the illness advice document below for guidance on when they can return to school.
Please ensure you inform the school by 9.15am if your child is too ill to attend. Telephone messages can be left on the answer phone outside of school hours (office hours are 8.30am-3.30pm). Please read our Attendance and Punctuality Policy in full to familiarise yourself with schools' procedures.
Late Arrivals
Pupils are expected in arrive in school by 8.50am, the classroom doors are closed at this time. Late arrivals are required to enter through the main entrance doors and register their child and record the reason for lateness. The school monitors late arrivals on a weekly basis. With the close of registers at 9.00am, arrival after this time is marked as unauthorised absence.